Tea on the Green, Exeter

Dates visited: Saturday 11th August and Monday 10th September 2018

Eggs Benedict, including spinach and local ham, was delicious.

Tea on the Green offers cream teas only after 2.30 in the afternoon. Before then a range of breakfast options are available, including eggs cooked in every conceivable manner. My first visit was a morning visit. Eggs Benedict, including spinach and local ham, was delicious. Jasmine tea was served using a spring-loaded contraption which automatically dispensed the tea when placed on top of the cup. Food, setting and customer service were all excellent, despite the construction work nearby which slightly intruded upon the view from the tea room windows.

A return visit to Tea on the Green to sample their afternoon tea. The scones were freshly baked but with only one choice available.

My second visit to Tea on the Green was an afternoon visit to sample their afternoon tea. Tea was taken in exactly the same seat as on my previous visit – although the tea room was busy most customers chose to site outside on this fine late summer day. Afternoon tea of two plain scones and a pot of jasmine tea was £8.45. There was a choice of tea but no choice of scones, which were freshly baked. Unlike their breakfast menu, not as impressive as their advertising suggested. Service remained excellent.

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